Live like an animal!

Live like an animal!

The jungle / forest and its dwellers are without a doubt the manifestation of peaceful of coexistence of flora and fauna which is crucial to the survival of humans. Often the phrase “it’s a jungle out there” or “do not behave like an animal”, or it’s dog’s life are used as derogatory terms. They are used to indicate chaos, disorder, uncouth behavior or destitute situation. As if we humans are better and more privileged than them. We take pleasure in reminiscing on our achievements, our monuments, our lineage and gloat over positions and material endowments. While the planet is on fire!

If we humans are so special, civilized, educated and have the ability to reflect on our actions and right a wrong, why are our habitat in such deplorable situation unlike the habitat untouched by us? The air we breathe is putrid, the water is polluted, we cannot manage our waste and we measure success by taking natural resources, changing them to something we can own and further pollute while we are it. Whilst the natural habitat as it is: clean air, clean water and not a piece of waste in sight.  

We pollute our air and purchase air purifiers to clean the air we breathe in our home but spend almost 12 hours outside to work and slog it out so we can afford clean air in our home.

Our belief system is flawed. The governance system is flawed. We continue to talk without action on how to save the planet and the environment. Some of us vilify children who demand we do something to arrest the runaway environmental degradation rate.

Many of us have been fighting to establish a certain race or religion as supreme not knowing these are all meaningless and if history has thought us anything, it is that humans have been fighting over race and religion since time immemorial. It got us nothing and nowhere.

We need to stop! We need to stop and look around and see the destruction and ask, what has it all been for? Do we not know anything else other than chaos?

We should make it the actual jungle out there, clean water, clean air and peaceful co-existence. It should be a dog’s life and we should behave like animals!


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