Farmer Field School Approach- FAO

is an approach based on people-centred learning. Participatory methods to create an environment conducive to learning: the participants can exchange knowledge and experience in a risk free setting.

Practical field exercises using direct observation, discussion and decision making encourage learning-­by­-doing. The field is the space where local knowledge and outside scientific insights are tested, validated and integrated, in the context of local ecosystem and socio-economic settings. Community-based problem analysis is the entry point for a FFS group to develop a location specific curriculum. A growing range of technical topics are being addressed through FFS: soil, crop and water management, seeds multiplication and varietal testing, IPM, agropastoralism, aquaculture, agroforestry, nutrition, value chain, and link to markets, etc.

FAO and other development organizations have been promoting FFS to address a broad range of problems and technical domains in over 90 countries. 

Social Inclusion:
FFS approach represents an important tool for the empowerment of the rural poor, improving their access to information, critical analysis and decision making, optimizing productivity, improving food and nutrition security, strengthening rural institutions and having a positive impact on the sustainable management of natural resources. All these aspects are particularly relevant for vulnerable groups and may contribute to social protection in terms of community empowerment/cohesion and its own social safety nets. 

The concept of FFS can be replicated here in Malaysia to improve yields of rice and other food crops. Small holders should be engaged by the Department of Agriculture to improve farming techniques and apply low cost technologies to improve crop yield and farmers' income. We have a ballooning food import bill and the concept of FFS could contribute in reducing dependence on imported food - food miles and water usage.


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