Impact of climate change on food security in Malaysia: economic and policy adjustments for rice industry

Research articles Negin VaghefiFaculty of Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia Correspondence: ,Mad Nasir Shamsudin,Alias Radam &Khalid Abdul Rahim Pages 19-35 | Received 13 Mar 2015, Accepted 21 Oct 2015, Published online: 03 Dec 2015 Image from ASEAN Post: Deforestation, pollution and resource degradation are increasing ASEAN’s vulnerability to natural and human-induced disasters, derived from climate changes. In view of this matter, ASEAN needs to find solutions to adapt to climate change in building a resilient ASEAN; Climate change dilemma driven by urbanisation;by Rebecca Shamasundari ; 26 August 2017 Rice paddies production in Malaysia, as in other parts of the world, is extremely vulnerable to weather changes and extreme conditions such as drought and flooding. Such situations forced Malaysia to maintain a protectionist regime with respect to its rice industry to be...